El hombre que atacó a Bret Hart en la Ceremonia de Inducción del Salón de la Fama de la WWE el sábado en el Barclays Center en Brooklyn ha sido identificado como Zachary Madsen de 26 años de Nebraska, según la CBS de Nueva York.
Los Angeles Times informó que el hombre fue acusado de 2 cargos de asalto en tercer grado y conducta desordenada. CBS Sports por su parte informó que Madsen fue trasladado al 78.o distrito electoral de la policía de Nueva York en Brooklyn para ser acusado de dos cargos de asalto y allanamiento.
CBS informa que el hombre también causó heridas leves a un guardia de seguridad que trató de detenerlo, además de las heridas leves que sufrió Hart. Se notó que el hombre golpeó a Bret al menos una vez, pero Bret no necesitó atención médica.
Shane McMahon, Curtis Axel, Heath Slater, Dash Wilder, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Travis Browne (novio de Ronda Rousey y ex UFC), The New Day, Titus O’Neil estuvieron físicamente involucrados con el atacante.
El atacante tiene una cuenta de Twitter en @iAmMad______sen, donde había realizado varios tweets extraños recientemente etiquetando a Vince McMahon, Triple H, Daniel Bryan, Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch y otros.
También se había expresado en contra de que una lucha femenina sea la estelar de WrestleMania, indicando que es un “retroceso en la raza humana”.
A continuación se muestran esos tres tweets junto con algunos de estos otros tweets.
I’m not sure what’s more baffling: the fact that this fight hasn’t been made official yet, or the fact that women are the main event of #WrestleMania35
Talk about a major setback for the human race.
You’re a fool @VinceMcMahon #WWE @WWE pic.twitter.com/C5A082DVlN
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
A FOOL! You got that @VinceMcMahon ??? This is an abomination! You’re a bigger fool than the officers responsible for arresting Becky, Charlotte, and Ronda tonight. What’s the matter, old man?!? Why are you ignoring my messages?!? THIS IS NOT A GAME!! THIS IS A FIGHT!!!
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
BREAKING NEWS! April fool day has been extended. And with no end date in site, I give to you all the literal april Fool himself! A-yo @VinceMcMahon Who in the blue hell taught you how to walk?!
You will rue the day you decided to have three “females” main event #WrestleMania35 pic.twitter.com/n4BUTcdQKk
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
Yo @VinceMcMahon This is the only show these majestic beings should be closing. @BeckyLynchWWE I need 3 sammiches for here.@MsCharlotteWWE Ham and CHZ@RondaRousey I got a coo-pahn. It’ll be buy 0, get 3 free. And we need three water cups. @WWE #WWE #subway #ad pic.twitter.com/lMvLXWEszi
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
Do @BeckyLynchWWE @MsCharlotteWWE and @RondaRousey deserve to main event #WrestleMania35 ??? @WWE @WWEUniverse @VinceMcMahon #WWE #WWEUniverse #PeoplePower
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
Name the most Iconic Duo: @VinceMcMahon
I ain’t doin’ this just for me, folks@WWE #WWE
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 2, 2019
We get what we are willing to work for. Nothing more. Nothing less. I haven’t had a day, let alone an hour, off in 16 months.
Am I where I want to be? No. So my work must continue. @VinceMcMahon Surprise surprise … you’re still a fool! @WWE #WWE
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
Good morning @TripleH You can do it. You’ve always been superior and will always be superior to @StephMcMahon It’s just a fact of life.
Now get back what’s yours and put her and the current main event of #WrestleMania35 where they belong. Back stage.
Remember #BestForBusiness pic.twitter.com/ez8pMZqDoh
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
Dear Mr. Back,
Do you think the people of this “Great” city know we were working together from the start? They seem to look at me like I’m crazy.. #cacklecackle
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
What’s goin on here @TripleH … do none of my messages transmit to you?!? Look, maybe I spoke out of turn and you’re not in charge. Great job with NXT. Now tell me who is in charge!! It’s DAMN NEAR SUNDAY AND ZACHZACH STILL HAS BILLS TO PAY!!!
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
Well well well. Mr Helmsley @TripleH
You have time to retweet, but not to respond to my messages … pic.twitter.com/HNZkFuyBNJ
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
As I sit here jamming, playing tetris, and wondering who’s running the @WWE circus, while not having eaten in over 36 hours, I’m all like, “Who’s the real GOAT?” And holy cow … there are more goats than humans on the planet.
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
Get a load of my last one @WWEDanielBryan You’re in trouble this, Sunday! ?????? #KofiMania
And what’s that … a Wild @TheDeanAmbrose trying to sneak away. No, no, noo. Do not think for that single, solitary second again that I have forgotten about you. Oh you’ll be there! ??
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
Good luck following that @BeckyLynchWWE @MsCharlotteWWE @RondaRousey @WWE @WWEUniverse @VinceMcMahon #WrestleMania35
— Zach Madsen (@iAmMad______sen) April 3, 2019
I’m so proud of my uncle @BretHart tonight during our HOF ceremony. Bret is a cancer survivor, a stroke survivor and one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. He didn’t deserve to be attacked or have his moment or my dad’s diminished. We got it back on track. Thank you, guys??
— Nattie (@NatbyNature) April 7, 2019
I’ve been told Bret Hart’s attacker has been charged with 2 counts of assault in the 3rd degree and disorderly conduct.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) April 7, 2019
Literally on the verge of tears. Some horrible bastard fan just rushed the the ring and rugby tackled poor Bret Hart. #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/DPGUVrmmpK
— Gorilla Position (@WWEGP) April 7, 2019
Here’s the full exchange of the fan attacking Bret Hart.
Travis Browne (Rousey’s husband and former UFC fighter) and the New Day both reacted very quickly and deserve a lot of praise. #WWEHOF pic.twitter.com/T0fzLq5grz
— Chris Toplack (@christoplack) April 7, 2019
Holy s–t, fan jumped the ring tackled Bret Hart and dash wilder f–ked him up with an upper cut off cam, the whole roster piling the ring, LEGEND DASH pic.twitter.com/JnmJSuBoqE
— gregory tomos sage (@GEEsage) April 7, 2019
Bret Hart’s attacker get mad his face smashed in by what looks like Dash Wilder. #WWEHoF #WWE #BretHart #Attack #WrestleMania credit to my boy Martin Endersby via FB pic.twitter.com/dO6Ckhk5Jt
— dRAIL2k3 (@dRAIL2k3) April 7, 2019
HOLY s–t. Someone just ran in the ring and tackled Bret Hart! #WWEHOF#WWE pic.twitter.com/ujbFVAVzn8
— Jon Sosis (@FunnyJS) April 7, 2019
— Brian The Guppie (@briantheguppie) April 7, 2019
— Brian The Guppie (@briantheguppie) April 7, 2019