Vince McMahon hizo una aparición especial en el evento en vivo de la WWE del miércoles celebrado en el Madison Square Garden en la ciudad de Nueva York.
El espectáculo comenzó con Baron Corbin saliendo para una cuenta de 10 para obtener la victoria sobre el lesionado Braun Strowman, quien no se presentó. Vince luego interrumpió y anunció un reemplazo para Strowman – John Cena. Vince presentó a Cena como: “Un hombre con más momentos en el Madison Square Garden que Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino y Stone Cold combinados”.
A continuación se muestran fotos y videos de lo sucedido:
Vince McMahon just showed up at #WWEMSG! Corbin was trying to accept a forfeit win over Braun Strowman, but Vince announced that Corbin would now have a match against John Cena. pic.twitter.com/9hJqQxfPJg
— Nick Giacobbe (@NickGGiacobbe) December 27, 2018
Seeing @VinceMcMahon tonight was such an amazing surprise!!! I lost my mind when he came out!!! I was so f*king hyped to see Vince!!! ?? #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/qymwo1a6VI
— Justin Grimm (@Justin__Grimm) December 27, 2018
— BJHBowman (@BJH_Bowman) December 27, 2018
@iamjohnpollock Vince in the building. #wwemsg pic.twitter.com/NhPi52SEy0
— domenick calabro (@dom2717) December 27, 2018
Vince McMahon is here to shake things up, oh wait #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/D5sUPcAK9b
— Jason Solomon (@solomonster) December 27, 2018
Vince McMahon then introduces Baron Corbi”s opponent: a man with more Madison Square Garden moments than Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, and Stone Cold combined… #WWEMSG #brunoisturningoverinhisgrave pic.twitter.com/wOs5Zoafa8
— Justin Barrasso (@JustinBarrasso) December 27, 2018
Vince McMahon just came out to Corbin’s 10 count to bring out John Cena ???? #wwemsg pic.twitter.com/nCnEBeQK4Z
— Kim (@kimberlasskick) December 27, 2018
Vince McMahon has arrived… #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/shBPsBG3N7
— Justin Barrasso (@JustinBarrasso) December 27, 2018
VINCE MCMAHON IS HERE AT #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/rOgpMhrzbv
— ???????????? ?????? ???????? ?????? (@VincentMichaels) December 27, 2018
John Cena a fait son retour au Madison Square Garden où il a battu Baron Corbin ! pic.twitter.com/BAWqMTL0BJ
— La Maladie Du Catch (@LMDCatch) December 27, 2018
John Cena defeated baron Corbin #wwemsg @JohnCena #johncena #cenation pic.twitter.com/M2VgZnwio7
— CENA FANCLUB (@cenationboy3) December 27, 2018
At tonight’s MSG show Baron Corbin defeated Braun Strowman by Count Out after Braun failed to show up to the ring
Vince McMahon would have the match restarted with John Cena as Braun’s replacement
John Cena defeated Baron Corbin
(The434) pic.twitter.com/Bv5Ja3Ehef
— ????? (@xRobsonHD) December 27, 2018
John Cena derrotó a Baron Corbin, luego de aplicar el “6th Move Of Doom”. #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/HnPKxTskvz
— MUNDO WWE (@FansWWEUniverse) December 27, 2018
John Cena regresó al ring. Derrotó a Baron Corbin, esta noche en #WWEMSG: pic.twitter.com/57L2NXbQw9
— MUNDO WWE (@FansWWEUniverse) December 27, 2018
John Cena Defeats Baron Corbin With The 6th Move Of Doom! #WWEMSG pic.twitter.com/XsXmOKlcai
— Brian The Guppie (@briantheguppie) December 27, 2018