Luego de que Daniel Bryan anunciara hoy via Twitter que se retira de la lucha libre por razones médicas y estará hablando más sobre el tema hoy en Raw, varios luchadores han enviado mensajes de apoyo al ex campeóna través de los medios sociales. A continuacion algunos de los ‘tweets’:
U have to work w/ the best to learn…sorry to hear the news but a pleasure sharing the ring. #ThankYouDanielBryan pic.twitter.com/KVpJj9txf9
— Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) February 8, 2016
A photo posted by Nikki Bella (@thenikkibella) on
From one #LuchaDragon to THE #AmericanDragon… #ThankYouDanielBryan pic.twitter.com/JT4tHMPRjI — KALISTO (@KalistoWWE) February 8, 2016
Thank-you @WWEDanielBryan. pic.twitter.com/o5XhqZ0Avs
— Nattie (@NatbyNature) February 8, 2016
Continua abajo
The respect I have for you is unmeasurable. You were good to Generico and I when you didn’t have to be…#BestInTheWorld #ThankYouDanielBryan
— Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) February 8, 2016
Sad news about @WWEDanielBryan having to retire. #ThankYouDanielBryan pic.twitter.com/NrR7qqq5dc
— Zack Ryder (@ZackRyder) February 8, 2016
In 2004 I wrote in my book that the proudest thing in my career was having a hand in the training of Brian Danielson.,now Daniel Bryan.That fact still hasn’t changed.He’s had an unmatched career and changed the world of Pro Wrestling and Sports Entertainment.On top of that he is one of the nicest people I have ever met and a truly great man.I can’t ever see a time when he wont be a part of my life.What a lucky man I am.
— William Regal (@RealKingRegal) February 8, 2016
Desde mi "mayuyerismo", lo critiqué por ser anti-Autoridad. Hoy rindo respeto y aplaudo sus logros. Bryan, tu retiro no significará olvido.
— Marcelo Rodriguez (@MarceloAtWWE) February 8, 2016